The proposed method is not intended to be exclusive or full right. However, precisely because of this approach I was able to not only learn to swim somehow, and almost completely master all 4 main navigation modes (only, I could not study the butterfly to the end because of the lack of opportunities for swimming).
Learn how to swim took me 6 days of training. I am sure that this experience will be useful for those people who want to, but still cannot swim.

How to learn to swim
I began to learn to swim at an early age, but nothing came of it. The water did not hold me, to teach me how anyone could not, and most of what I could do at the age of 12-13 years – it is to swim the crawl 20 meters. Then he began to choke and drown. We had to stand up either to catch my breath, or get out of the water.
Then, in general, I did not swim for a long time. And only in adulthood, went to rest on the Black Sea, was able to learn to swim so that he did not believe it.
I can swim in all ways, able to hold in the water do not float more than 1 hour (I think that and more, only this time it becomes boring and awkward to swim as much), and I can pretty deep dive.
How do I do it? I describe its approach
- We need to understand that diving – is the process of respiration, during which the body performs certain movements that help it to move in the aquatic environment.
- Breathe while swimming should always, without delay. The slightest breath holding immediately increases the need for oxygen.
- Breath should be short and powerful. Head only briefly appears above the water to get some fresh air. All the rest of the time – it’s breath. Exhalation may last for a long time, until the moment when you need to be powerful again for air.
- Body during swimming, with the head, spends most of his time in the water. And just for the head of a powerful inspiration or it rises out of the water, or turned to the side.
- Because all our muscles, for the most part, was not originally prepared for the physical activity of swimming, they very quickly zakislivayutsya. And most importantly, it creates too much of free carbon dioxide in the blood. As a result, it takes a lot of oxygen. But we can take a sip, all the time if the person in the water?
- As a result, from a lack of oxygen, we bring down the breath, and can no longer go because We can not breathe.
- So, you need to go at a pace, which receives at a rare breaths of oxygen is sufficient. So, for swimming training should start with a style called the breaststroke.
- As the development of muscles, can increase the pace and moves to learn other types of swimming.
The procedure for teaching swimming
I repeat the most important thing: Swimming – it is proper breathing. If you can breathe in the water, you will never sink. Even if initially, you cannot be moved until the body in the water.
To learn how to breathe in the water, you need to learn how to do exhale into the water. For this fit the following order:
- Standing in water, lower face in the water and exhale. Then lift the person out of the water, inhale, exhale and lower back. Over time, longer exhale and inhale to do short. Ideally, if you can do it with open eyes in the water. But it is possible and the use of glasses for swimming. However, you can practice a bit first without water: a short breath and a long exhale all trapped air. Then again, a short powerful breath and a long exhale, until out of breath.
- After exhaling into the water ceased to be a problem, and you can breathe for a long time, and breathe the air briefly and powerfully, go to the same exercise, but without the support legs. Here you need to breathe in shallow water, lie down on the water and slowly exhale into the water. Once the air is over, you can get up, make a short breath and then go back into the water and out.
- Having mastered the previous point, move to a more complex species. Breathing, water and lie on exhale. When the air is over, sharply raising its head out of the water for a short powerful inspiration. At first it may not happen. Or immediately after inhaling body sink deeper into the water. It is not necessary to be afraid, because with the air in the chest body will never sink. After a few seconds the body itself will rise to the surface. Our business – just constantly exhale into the water immediately after a short breath. Breathe not all at once per second, and for a long time.
- When will breathe lying down on the water for a long time, it will be mean that you have learned to stay afloat. After all, remember, swimming – it’s breathing. The rest – machinery movement, no more.
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How to learn to swim breaststroke
Brass – the main type of navigation for all people. Very few people able to swim other types of swimming for a long time. But the brass – it’s like walking. They can swim for hours without fatigue, especially if there is a possibility that a snack to replenish energy reserves.
The article is difficult to describe the correct movements while swimming breaststroke, but I’ll try.
- By learning to breathe, exhale and not to sink, only need to add movement in the water.
- Breaststroke at the upper and lower limbs are working at different times. First comes the legs push the body in the water, and then connects the work of the hands, during which we do surfacing and a breath of air. Thereafter, for ease of movement, the face immersed in the water, occurs in water exhalation.
- When the legs moving feet first pulled up as close to the buttocks, while bending at the knee and hip joints, then strongly unbent in sides and back, as it were, starting from water.
- At the push of legs straighten arms forward and make pocketing in the hand, which allows the body and head pop out of the water to breath. Then, when the push head legs again immersed, the arms are straightened and permeate water column ahead of the body, exhales.
The order of learning breaststroke swimming
- First, lie on the water, arms outstretched. Raise the head for inspiration, then – omit, exhale into the water. When lifting the head as if rely on the water, arms outstretched.
- The same, only with the lifting head do a small stroke hands.
- Sailing forward only by the power of hands, breathing in when the body rise out of the water at the start pocketing hands.
- Inhale and glide through the water, making it possible number of tremors underfoot. When the air runs out, make paddle hands, surfacing out of the water to breath. Then again sail only by tremors underfoot, making permanent a long exhale.
- Combine arm and leg movements. Push down, slide, paddle with your hands and surfacing breath, slip with a long exhalation.
Perhaps I could not properly explain how to learn to move in the water, technically. But if, through this article you will learn how to stay on the water, breathe and do not drown, it will mean one thing: you already know how to swim. Then just watch the other swimmers, copying movement. And one day, you will learn all kinds of diving that you want.