Almost all people experience anxiety at one time or another. Whether its money, work or relationships, modern life seems to be a minefield of situations that generate anxiety. But daily anxiety is not necessarily something that requires having to resort to drugs or therapy. In this article, we will share 10 top and simple natural remedies for diminishing anxiety and depression.
10 Natural remedies for diminishing anxiety and depression:
- Exercise
- Meditation
- Chamomile tea
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Lavender
- Hot baths
- Eliminate caffeine
- Write a diary
- Yoga
- Sunlight
1. Exercise
Exercise is well known as one of the fastest ways to relieve the symptoms of anxiety. Moderate exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good and increases body heat which improves cognitive function and increases feelings of relaxation.
2. Meditation
This classic practice is still one of the best ways for people to master anxiety. And you do not need to buy any special equipment to practice meditation; you can also enjoy its benefits simply by spending 15 minutes or half an hour a day and taking control of your mind.
3. Chamomile tea
Chamomile is one of the best natural remedies for anxiety due to its high levels of apigenin, luteolin, and bisabolol. If you are experiencing a particularly anxious day, a nice strong cup of chamomile will help you feel calm and relaxed.
4. Omega-3 fatty acids
The brain is very susceptible to inflammation and it has been shown that omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and chemical stress levels, all of which contribute to anxiety. Therefore, foods rich in omega-3 such as salmon, walnuts and flax seeds should be eaten to have a low-stress diet.
5. Lavender
It has been proven that breathing lavender helps relax the body and reduce anxiety. You can put some drops of lavender oil in the bath water or on your pillow, or rub some drops directly on your skin. Another method to enjoy lavender is to drop some of the oil in a cup of boiling water and inhale the aroma.
6. Hot baths
A hot water bath is a method to calm the mind. Try adding a half cup of Epson salts to the bathwater that is thought to lower blood pressure or add essential oils such as vanilla or bergamot.
7. Eliminate caffeine
It is logical for one reason: if caffeine increases energy, too much can make you nervous and anxious. Limit your coffee or black teas to one cup a day and see if this helps reduce your anxiety symptoms. Also beware of “hidden” sources of caffeine such as chocolate, soda, or headache medicine.
8. Write a diary
Keeping a journal is simply the act of writing your thoughts and feelings to help you sort them, similar to how you kept a journal when you were a teenager. Keeping a journal can help you better understand your true self and allows you to gain control over chaotic emotions.
9. Yoga
Like meditation, yoga is considered a “therapy for the body-mind” and is increasingly recommended for people suffering from anxiety. If you register for a class or just practice at home, yoga can be very calming. It costs nothing to practice and can be very relaxing. Check online or your local library for instructions on how to do yoga.
10. Sunlight
The sun is a natural source of vitamin D and the deficiency of it has been linked to the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Try going outside in natural sunlight for 15 minutes per day, preferably taking a refreshing walk through a park.
If the symptoms of anxiety are interfering with your daily life you can start to feel better by trying some of these tips. If you have trouble managing your anxiety, consider getting professional help.
We hope these tips will help you to reduce anxiety and depression. Share your comments and suggestions to improve our ideas. Thank you and have a great day!