Things personal trainers wish their clients did

  1. Ask Questions

Personal training should not be an one-way conversation. Your trainer may be the one in charge during the session. You may not get many chances to choose the next exercise and you probably won’t be able to decide when to stop doing burpees. However, you should still have some say in the direction the session takes. You are the one who has goals in your mind.

  1. Schedule Review Sessions

It’s not necessary to spend every session with your trainer doing a punishing workout. It’s important to review your progress periodically, even though sessions are usually centred around some form of activity. Bring any relevant information, such as your diet log. Examine your previous workouts and progress. Are you closer to your goal? Are you and your trainer able to recall your goals? Goal evaluation is an ongoing process. For a Personal Trainer Cheltenham, visit Inside Sweat

  1. Take Notes

During their training sessions, good trainers will often use a clipboard to record the sets and reps. These numbers allow them to see how you are progressing, and when to increase the intensity. This is great as long as your trainer continues to be around. When the one-on-one training ends and you are left to work out on your own, the majority of knowledge about progressions and exercises will be lost.

What is the fix? Do not let your trainer take all the notes. Carry a notebook if necessary. Note down your exercises and any suggestions for how you can progress them or make them harder if necessary.

  1. Asking for homework

Even if you see a trainer for an hour every week, it’s only a fraction of the time you spend improving your fitness and health. Personal training is not a series of workouts. It’s a continuous learning process. Each session should build on the one before. Your mind should also be absorbing new information, just as your body is continually mastering more challenging exercise variations.

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