Do you have one or more missing teeth? If so, it’s important to have them replaced as soon as you can to prevent issues like bone loss. When it comes to tooth replacement, you have a few options.
While this is true, one tooth replacement option stands out from the others – dental implant placement West Palm Beach FL. Keep reading to learn the specific benefits offered by dental implants.
Prevent Bone Loss
When you lose teeth, you will also begin losing bone mass in your jaw. Your jawbone must have stimulation provided when teeth connect to it. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that will also replace the jawbone stimulation provided by natural teeth, which also helps prevent bone loss.
Matches Your Natural Teeth
You can get dental implants in many sizes and shapes. Your dentist can work with you to design implants that match the teeth around them and fill in the gaps present perfectly. No one will be able to tell you to have dental implants.
Restores Your Bite Force
Since dental implants are anchored to your jaw using a titanium post to replace the tooth root, you can bite with the same amount of force your natural teeth provide. Some of the other types of tooth replacement treatments won’t restore this bite force since they only sit on top of the gums and are not anchored to your jaw.
Talk to Your Dentist
Talk to your dentist if you aren’t sure if dental implants are right for you. Knowing your options is the best way to ensure you get the desired results with the tooth replacement option you choose. Also, your dentist will be able to evaluate your oral health to ensure you are a candidate for this tooth-replacement option. Being informed is the best way to ensure that you restore your smile, bite, and oral health.